Friday, December 4, 2009

Bangalore, India

So, I haven't seen another foreigner in awhile, like as in a couple days. I like it, but not sure what that means. I think these cities I am in right now just aren't really popular places to go, which is why I am trying to get out of here quickly. I have an overnight sleeper train reservation for tonight at 1030, heading north to Hampi, where there are some temples and ruins- right up my alley. I wandered around a little last night and had another dosa for dinner. They are kind of greasy, but very good. In the afternoon, I had fun taking pictures of a group of little kids who loooooved posing- they would hold really still and then all run over to me to see the image on my camera. Some of the kids speak no English and then another group just up the street spoke great English and I was actually able to talk with them for quite some time about school and such. I haven't gotten much attention other than stares from people, and I am sure that is partly because I am in a big city. So far, Indians have been really friendly and helpful. They have been more than willing to stop and give directions or recommend a tasty restaurant. Today, I was up by 5am, but that is an improvement of 2 hours from yesterday, so my sleep schedule is slowly adjusting. Is it Saturday? I think so. The city was very quiet when I was walking around this morning and I figured out that not a whole lot opens before noon on a weekend. I wandered to a very different part of the city from where I am staying and it is much more "fancy" over here. The sidewalks are usable, there are stop lights and some cross walks and I even ran into my first McDonald's of the trip. This part of town is still nothing cosmopolitan, but not bad by India standards. I mean seriously, there was a huge cow laying in a pile of garbage just outside of the Pizza Hut. Anyway, just going to kill a little more time before I work my way toward the train station. I am hoping for some accommodations tomorrow night in Hampi that don't come with cockroaches. They are not my friends. Oh, yeah and I accidentally discovered a new travel tip last night. So, I have been wearing the same t-shirt since Denver and noticed it was getting a little smelly last night, so I thought I would use it as my pillow case cover cause the one in the room was nasty and then I would just retire it this morning. Well, I washed my hair last night and went to bed with my hair wet and yummy smelling and guess what? My t-shirt was yummy smelling this morning. and now I can probably squeeze a whole 2 more days out of it. sweeeeet.


  1. You are such a girl.
    Necessity is the mother of invention!!
    LYG, Ma

  2. So, it is Saturday morning and I have just enjoyed reading your latest! A cow in garbage outside of McDonalds.... no foreigners...a sweet smelling pillowcase/Tshirt. These are the images I will keep with me throughout the day! You are amazing! I share your travels with so many of my friends. They (we) all have so much respect for you! In this part of the world.... I stayed up until midnight getting the little Christmas village up in my family room. Each year I groan as I think of the task ahead and then when they are up I love them! Stay safe little one!

  3. Hey Em, Well, I KNOW I wrote a comment to you early this morning, but I don't see it so wondering why! Anyway, I LOVE that you found a way to smell sweet without washing clothes! You are so darn smart! Don't they COOK cockroaches over there? Seems like that may be a good idea, as there are so many around, huh? love you........T

  4. the blog is set so that it makes me read the comments first and then publish them- I'm about as in the dark about this site as everyone else! I will try to figure out how to make it so that the comments are published without me having to do anything. Anyway, you are so sweet, thanks for the messages :)

  5. Emily....I need a some updates lady! Hope you are safe and all is swell. Lots of love!
