Thursday, December 10, 2009

Candolim, India

Oh, what a great dinner last night. I totally splurged by India standards- FIVE whole dollars! That included a very large beer (Kingfisher), 7 huge tiger prawns fresh from the ocean, chips (french fries) and a salad. All of the nice young men working at the restaurant would take turns coming over to my table to talk to me. Their English was not too shabby, and I think they know what I am saying most of the time as long as I speak slowly and don't use slang or other American terms. A typical conversation revolves around my age and where I am from, why am I not married and how do I like Goa? After dinner I wandered up the street a bit, past more restaurants and found a small shop where I bought some soap and gum, and another Kingfisher to go. Spent some quality time digging the dirt out from underneath my toenails then had unlimited hot water for my shower-super bonus. Did some bucket laundry too...everything squeaky clean. This morning- avocado omelet and toast at the beach hut restaurant, oh and can't forget about the banana lassi, which is a yogurt based shake. I'm not much of a beach bum, especially without a book and my ipod isn't charged, so I just walked along the shores of the Arabian Sea with camera in hand. Local boys would come down to the shore every few minutes asking if I wanted a beach chair in their area. They always shake my hand and ask me my name. Some of the conversations are so funny...teenaged boy: "You are white like milk!" me: "why, thank you. You are brown like chocolate." boy with huge grin: "oh! thanks!" boy's friend laughing: "You guys are chocolate milk!!" And then there was laughter like it was the funniest thing anyone has ever said. so cute and amusing :) Candolim is popular with package tourists from England, so it was a different crowd for sure. No girl should ever have to witness as many old men in speedos and thongs as I have witnessed today. blech. The coolest thing about Candolim beach is the HUGE tanker that ran aground in the late 90s and still sits here today. Got some great pics, but am heading back down in a bit because once the tide goes out, it is possible to walk right up to the ship and I guess I can even get on it. I did get my second rabies shot today- it was a very easy process, just bought the kit at the pharmacy and only had to walk a couple minutes to the doctor who gave me the injection. You would laugh if you saw the doctor's office...kind of like the last place, old and musty with a hand written sign outside, a table full of ancient looking vials of medicine, grubby tiled floor...But what a cool guy, he liked talking about Obama, although I had a hard time understanding most of what he had to say. Anyway, next shot is DEC 17th, help me remember. ta-ta for now.

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