Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mumbai (Bombay), India

This post might have to be quick because the keyboard is missing some buttons and the ones that work aren't working very well. My last day in Goa was just like the other days- relaxing, simple and beautiful. I was able to see a bit more of the area and different villages along the coast from the back of a motorcycle, which is by far the best way to do it. One more sunset framed by palm trees and then off to Mumbai by sleeper bus. Not a bad ride, but whatever sleep I was able to get really didn't count and I was so tired yesterday. Mumbai is a huge city and the first thing that I noticed and still can't get over is the smog here. It is bad. The city is right on the coast of the Arabian Sea, and when I was looking out from the 13th story of a building I couldn't see very far- the visibility is like a mile or something. There are shabby parts of town with rows and rows of gray concrete apartment buildings with people's laundry hanging out to dry on the balconies. But there are also contemporary parts of town with hip clubs and trendy restaurants. This is the home of glitzy Bollywood, after all, so try not to think that everything you saw in Slumdog Millionaire is what Mumbai/India is all about. That was JUST a movie. Traffic is a little crazy, but there are millions of taxis- old school Fiat style- and the cab fares are cheap. Hotels not so cheap, and despite the huge number of guesthouses in this city, it was really hard to get a room last night. It is hot out today, I think 90F or so but I am armed with some water and have just been walking around, taking in the sights. I have to stop now- this keyboard is driving me crazy.....


  1. We can zoom in on are you in the heart of the city, near marinas, national park?

  2. I think you should wear a mask when outside in the smog, you won't attract attention!!
    what are the smells in the many places you have gone, any?

  3. Mom- I am staying in Colaba, kind of the tourist district, which is the furthest south part of Mumbai, but have been hanging out in non-touristy parts of the city. I haven't even covered a whole lot yet, there is just so much to see without even DOING anything special.
    Grama-unlike most of SE Asia, no one really wears masks here...seems like everyone did in Bangkok, so I would probably draw MORE attention with one on here! The smells change constantly depending on where I am. In one village I would have described it as musty spices. In the city there are trash smells, food smells, pollution smells- right now there are paint fume smells cause the place next door is getting painted and I am losing some brain cells because of it.
