Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Denver, CO to Chennai, India

I am so delirious right now, I hope this post makes sense and isn't just a bunch of mumbo jumbo words strung together. The Denver to JFK leg was 3 hours and then I sat in the airport for 3 hours...from JFK the flight made a stop in London, which wasn't even listed on my printed e-ticket/itinerary and that was a 6 hour flight. The London to Kuwait flight was about 6 hours and then Kuwait to Chennai was another 5 hours. I have no idea what day it is or what time it is! I remember sitting next to a French lady on the last flight and she spoke English, but her accent was so thick I had no idea what she was saying. And to think we chatted for like 2 hours. hmmm. I was fortunate to have met another foreigner who was heading to Chennai, so we banded together and figured out the airport and shared a taxi into the city to find a place to crash this morning. OH! and I almost forgot to mention- whoever stole my India guidebook on the plane has got some bad karma coming back to him! or her. whatever. Seriously, I haven't even been anywhere yet and stuff is missing. I don't even have a plan, but that never matters if you have a guidebook with you. Jonathan, who I met on the plane has one, so I have been taking a peek at that, but I guess today's mission is to find a new book somewhere. Anyway, we found rooms early this morning- I am already so far removed from any comfort and "normalcy" that I had just 2 days ago and I love it. The room is dank, the bed and pillow are hard as rocks, the shared bathroom is disgusting, the view from the window is of dilapidated buildings and yet I noticed as I was sitting on the window sill that I had a huge smile on my face. It is warm and humid out--my hair was stick straight on the plane, and the minute I left the Chennai airport it was instant fro and now in a pony tail where it will probably be for the next several months. I am at an internet cafe, but not using my computer. I am already questioning the decision to bring it as it weighs like 2.5 pounds, which isn't much, but it is making the lumbar pack heavy. My main backpack ended up being 20 lbs, which is 5 more than I was hoping for, but not bad. Jonathan and I are going to go get some food- my first AUTHENTIC India grub, and I am excited about that. I will be here for a night and then probably move on sometime tomorrow. later gators!


  1. Well I finally figured this site out!! Talking to grama and read this to her but i will be printing them for her. We can only see these wonderful places through your eyes and your blog. We will be thinking of you each and every day. Enjoy and be very aware of what is around you. Stay safe, love AL

  2. I am glad you made it safely!! Miss you already - have a wonderful day:-) Can't wait to read more:-)

  3. Hi Emmy! Your car is very, very cold! it is about 3 (yes, 3!) degrees outside right now (9:30pm). But it is sitting right where you left it and I smile at it every once in awhile! I am so excited to be traveling with you... well, kind of traveling! Sorry you have to spend money on a new guide book. I'm sure the one you buy will be even BETTER than the other! How was your AUTHENTIC India grub?
